Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Waves of Genocidal Killings of Rohingyas: Types of Perpetrators, Pretexts and Volumes of Exodus

Waves of Genocidal Killings of Rohingyas: Types of Perpetrators, Pretexts and Volumes of Exodus

Today Rohingyas flee their homes in Myanmar before the next expected wave of genocidal killings. 

Here is a glance at Myanmar's Successive Waves of Genocidal Killings and the Resultant Exodus:

1) 1978 

The post-Social regime of the State Law and Order Restoration Council under the nominal head of Senior General Saw Maung (but still controlled by ex-General Ne Win)

Pretext - "illegal immigration check" - 

Perpetrator - the Tatmadaw or the military with local Rakhine collaboration 

The then Union of Socialist Republic of Burma under General Ne Win launched the first genocidal campaign of terror in Feb 1978. 

the Exodus Volume: 

276,000 - by ex-intelligence chief ex-Gen. Khin Nyunt's own count

2) 1991-92

Pretext - Rohingya uprisings of 1988 and their subsequent pro-Aung San Suu Kyi support (along with the rest of the country)

Perpetrator - the Tatmadaw or the military with local Rakhine collaboration 

THE SLOW BURNING GENOCIDE BEGAN: with policies designed to destroy Rohingyas as a group physically,, biologically and socially. 


A) Doctor-Patient Ratio in two major Rohingya towns: 

1: 150,000 (national average is 1: 2,000 roughly (source: Lancet Medical Journal)

A) Infant & child (up to 5) mortality rate, 2 times higher than national average

C) Maternal death 2-3 times higher than national average 

D) severe restrictions on Rohingya physical movements, disabling Rohingyas' ability to earn a living, access food systems (such as rivers and creeks, as well as paddy fields or markets)

E) severe restrictions on birth rate via marriage restrictions (2 children per couple, while there is no such policy for any other racial, ethnic or religious group, or region in Burma 

F) pervasive forced labour 

G) summary executions 

H) gang-rape and rape 

I) disappearances and arbitrary arrests 

the Volume of exodus: estimated 260,000 

3) June and Oct 2012 

The Gov of the Union of the Republic of Myanmar under ex-General Thein Sein (Nobel Peace Prize-short-listed according to Norwegian Peace Research Institute & the International Crisis Group's "Pursuit of Peace" Award recipient)

Pretexts - "Communal violence" & "Yugoslavia-like transition"

Perpetrator - organised local Rakhine armed gangs with backing from the Tatmadaw or Burmese military 

"COMMUNAL VIOLENCE" - with 86% of death and destruction borne by Rohingya communities, including burning down the entire Rohingya neighbourhoods

A total of estimated 250,000

A) Exodus - 100,000 (boat people's crisis)

B) Internal Displacement - 125,000 IDPs (still NOT allowed to return home while their land have been reclaimed by the State).

4) Oct 2016 

Aung-San-Suu-Kyi-Military Hybrid Regime 

Pretext - "Bengali extremist militancy" (which overran 3 border guard posts and killed 9 police men).

Perpetrators - the military (air force, navy and army) with the collaboration of organized Rakhine armed gangs (armed by the gov military)

The volume of exodus - 89,000 - 100,000

5) August 2017 - present 

Aung-San-Suu-Kyi-Military Hybrid regime 

Pretext - Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army attacked "30" gov. security posts, with home-made weapons, spears, sticks and machetes 

Perpetrators - the military (air force, navy and army) with the collaboration of organized Rakhine armed gangs (armed by the gov military)

The volume of exodus 535,000 (in 6 weeks) - and still counting

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